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Rise of the Liberal World Order

Revelation 13:2, NIV:

The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

The Guardian statue on the grounds of the UN.

I was no more than ten years old when I began hearing about the new world order. I remember my family discussing it a few times at get togethers. My wife and her family were even more knowledgeable in Bible Prophesy than my own.

When the two Bushes were in the White House, my mother-in-law talked frequently about their parts in The Trilateral Commission. (1) This group proports to be a group of non-government citizens trying to solve the world’s problems. That may be true, but many members of the Trilateral Commission involve themselves in our federal government, as well.

This quote from George Bush 41 openly admits that globalist government has long been the agenda of the world’s elite.

Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order – can emerge… We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.” (2)

George H. W. Bush

This is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue necessarily. Several people in the Biden administration also have ties to The Trilateral Commission, as it happens. But that isn’t the point.

While politicians openly state their desire for world government, the Bible speaks grimly about the formation of a new world order. That government will rise and be ruled by the antichrist – the flesh and blood son of Satan. The suffering of mankind will be great under the Beast.

My Facebook Epiphone

I think the end is drawing near. My certainty of this began to peek just a couple of months ago. I woke up early one morning and hammered out a very long post on Facebook. I felt compelled to do it. Here’s a screenshot to prove it. I included the complete (and somewhat cleaned-up) text below.

The Bible says without the mark of the beast, no one CAN buy or sell. Well, technologically, that has never been anything we could force to happen, until now. Digital currency, carried on an implanted chip could literally make it impossible to buy or sell without that chip – the mark. Hello, Bitcoin and the like. Inflation is a worldwide problem at this point, so if hyperinflation happens in the United States, it will happen everywhere. The UN will likely rise up to institute a planetary digital currency. NO ONE will be able to buy or sell without the mark.  And this will constitute the formation of a one world government, a New World Order, as the Bible foretold.

The current inflation levels are literally caused primarily by war (wars and rumors of wars) and pestilence, hello COVID. 

Gog is on the move. Could Magog be Ukraine? Could Russia and Ukraine end up on the same side?

I had a moment several months ago where I saw President Zelenskyy’s, face on a big screen overlooking a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people (I think he was speaking to crowds in Turkey), and I thought to myself – this guy could be the antichrist! If he leads his country to victory over Russia, he will be the most loved and respected man on the planet.

Even the UFO hearings that took place this week, I believe are helping to set the stage. [My wife] has said for years she thought the rapture of the church would be explained as mass alien abduction. Why is UFO-mania heating back up right now? Even the second coming, which everyone on earth will see in real-time according to the Bible, will likely be explained as alien activity.

In my opinion, this world will be ending very soon, but there is another life beyond this one. EVERYONE will continue on after death. It’s just a matter of where? If you don’t know Jesus, please get to know him now. I don’t personally believe salvation is easy, so you better get started right away. Get to the point where you can actually see it. Then pray to Him. Repent of your sins. Ask forgiveness. And dedicate yourself to following HIM wherever He leads.  If you do this, your eyes will be opened too.

I was thinking this morning about the way the stock market is plunging and inflation is going up all over the world. I heard it predicted years ago that countries would print so much money that they would throw us into hyperinflation – look it up the Weimar Republic of Germany 1919-1933 and hyperinflation if you need to – and that governments would have to invent a new currency. So, let’s look at the current state of the world with respect to Bible Prophesy for a second.

Since then, every passing day has brought me greater certainty that I will witness the end. Every major event in the daily news fits like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle making the picture clearer. Every outrageous story makes sense to me when viewed in this context. I started this blog because of this Facebook post, in fact. Lately, I simply cannot resist the compulsion to scream warnings from the rooftops.

Technologically, We’re Ready

Last week, I read this article, Coronavirus, a Staged Crisis: and the Coming New World Order. This article makes the same point I made in my Facebook post above, though it erroneously (perhaps) states that the COVID 19 pandemic was that world-wide crisis that would bring about the one world government. I on the other hand, believe it was only the first step.

To me, an approaching economic collapse will be the true world crisis. A common theme seems to be that a world-wide crisis provides the catalyst for this governmental evolution. Bush 41 even referred to “troubled times” in that quote from all those years ago.

A link in this article further disconcerted me by revealing two things I didn’t know before. 1) I had no idea that a vaccination passport chip was already in use in parts of Europe and 2) part of a new rising “Internet of Bodies.” Did you know there is coming an “Internet of Bodies?” (3) These things chill me to the bone.

Current Events

Now, the Biden White House has once again let the cat out of the bag – that the current state of the world is not an accident but rather part of manipulation that will take us to a new liberal world order. Even Fox News personality, Greg Gutfeld, who is a self-proclaimed atheist, believes Brian Deese’s admission was “one of the biggest reveals in history.” (5)

High gas and food prices, baby food shortages, even conservatively minded Supreme Court decisions which will sew strife are what they need to make this new liberal world order come into existence. World governments aren’t simply disinterested in dealing with these daily difficulties, they seek to compound those problems! They expect that eventually the suffering will become so great that the people will clamor for a new world order will step in and take charge of it.

Now, perhaps Biden’s desire to run around the globe begging foreign leaders for their oil rather than drill for oil in the US starts to make sense. In fact, pick any major political issue and examine the side of the Democrats. Mentally reason how support for that idea furthers this globalist agenda. Now do you see why Trump’s America First philosophy made him the most hated politician in American history, in spite of the fact that he actually did a good job for the American people?

President Biden, at almost the same time as Brian Deese gave up this secret, said for the nth time that our country is well-positioned to ride out this storm. He means that our relative wealth will help us get through the high gas prices and inflation better than many other countries. Well, that remains to be seen. But then I know I don’t want a new world order whether it’s true or not. Biden’s real message: Don’t expect things to get better than they are right now; they aren’t going to until we’ve completed our “incredible transition.”

Why Think Now Any Different than Times Past?

Why has a new world order never risen before now? Because one big fly in the ointment has prevented it – The United States of America. We remain (barely hanging on) the world’s wealthiest country and the world’s lone military superpower. The United States has always opposed a new world order. Presently, the United States military would prove superior to the rest of the combined UN, not counting China and Russia. The USA also funds a quarter of all the UN operations, a huge contribution for one country to make in an organization made up of 193 nations. (7) No grand New World Order could come into being unless either the United States was 100% on board, or the United States suffers a terrible blow beforehand. The Democrats have worked towards both these ends for at least 40 years. How, you may ask.

First, the Marxist have stolen our children. To your kids, the United States is and always has been an unscrupulous villain. The public-school systems have sold them on the notion that capitalism is inherently unfair, and socialism is wonderful. The same school systems have virtually destroyed our children’s belief in God. You exert minimal influence over your children in this day and age. You probably know that. Your children will not fight for this country they’ve been taught so long to hate. They will fight against it. Look at Antifa and BLM riots and tell me I’m wrong. If you fight for your country, they will fight against you.

The sum of all Democrat polices are as follows:

  • Benefit our most bitterly hated enemies,
  • Disarm the American people,
  • Cripple the military,
  • Reduce the birthrate to near negative numbers,
  • Convert our economy to socialism.

All while funneling money to China, Saudia Arabia, Iran, and many other points around the world where people loath us. Do you think our administration just forgot there were $7 billion dollars of US Military hardware still in Afghanistan? (8) Do you think the hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons we’re sending to Ukraine are really to help them? Perhaps, they are to help them – against us.

Will the United Nations soon transform into the New World Order? Will it be the monstrosity the Bible makes it out to be? Back in November of 2021 the UN erected a statue on their complex in New York that many recognized as the beast described in the Books of Daniel and Revelation. I can’t imagine it could resemble the beast any more closely than it does. See the picture at the top of the article.

However, amid complaints from Christians, the UN removed the statue. (4) To me, God showed His people the truth of His word, Fellow Christians like me did see it and understood it’s potential meaning.

  1. The Bible warned us that a new world order would arise, an unimaginable prospect thousands of years ago.
  2. It further said that a beast matching that description would appear, and it did.
  3. The Bible is batting a 1000 so far.

Let’s continue.

Perhaps right now you’re dusting off your Bible. Upon hearing this “world order” reference, I recalled many of the bad things I heard about growing up. I grabbed my Bible too. So, this evening I decided to reread Matthew 24 to refresh my memory on Jesus’ own words about the coming of the end of the world.  

I did not include the entire Chapter for brevity, but nothing excluded changes the context at all. If you don’t have access to a Bible, you can read this chapter for yourself here: Matthew 24 NIV – The Destruction of the Temple and Signs – Bible Gateway

Matthew 24:3-9, 15, 19-20, 33-35

3While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. 9Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.

15So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’a[S] described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand),

19How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! 20Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath.

33So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

What does this mean?

I can tell you what it means to me. Here’s what struck me this time:

  • 6 “wars, and rumors of wars.” To be honest, remembering just this phrase brought me to this scripture.
  • 7 “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Already warnings are increasing about a world-wide food shortage coming soon due to the war in Ukraine. I believe this shortage will hit the world’s prosperous nations very hard (various places), in the year or two. A famine in the United States would normally be unthinkable. Additionally, a rising frequency and severity of “earthquakes” in various places may be only a matter of time. These earthquakes will rock, primarily, 1) the United States and Europe, and 2) occur in places earthquakes have rarely happened before.
  • 9 “Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another,” I believe I’ve witnessed this phenomenon in my own family, the falling away. Of course, hardly a day goes by that I don’t see several anti-religious, anti-Christian memes on Facebook. There’s no question that recent US Supreme Court rulings provide an excuse for such persecutions to increase.
  • 15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’a[S] described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand).” This seems a possible reference to the UN statue, even to the response to the UN statue in that “the reader[s understood].” The appearance and removal of this statue in 2021 would have to mean that the end is drawing near. Or it means nothing.
  • 19 “How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers!” This one sent chills down my spine. In the middle of this prophetic speech, there is what seems like an off-top reference to motherhood. After 50 years of Roe v Wade, we find ourselves in the most contentious battle over motherhood in our history. Could this also be a reference to baby formula shortages? Was Jesus telling us pregnancy and motherhood would be a hot issue in the last days? I can’t say for sure, but that does seem to be a possibility.

I would never say flatly that this is “the” end of days. I’m simply not that sure of myself. Don’t go cash out your 401K based on anything I say. But I personally do believe, more than not, that this is the time.

It’s Obvious and it’s Being Ignored

If this indeed is the end, two things are happening that I find very surprising.

First, I never imagined that the clues leading to the end times would be so obvious! I always thought the end would come with very few people recognizing it for what it was.  The 2017 documentary, The Coming Convergence, I believe explains why Bible Prophecy is so plain to see. Simply stated, God gave us Bible Prophecy because He loves us. He greatly wants us to believe. It isn’t His will that any of us would miss it! (6) 

The second thing that surprises me so much is that people ARE missing the signs. I believed the end would come subtly because I believed everyone would see it and repent were that not true. The reality, again assuming this is the end, appears to be that the strength of the rebellion against God is so strong that people will stubbornly deny Him to the bitter end. It’s infantile like a parent warning a child not to touch the hot stove but the child touches it anyway. But it seems to be the reality, nonetheless.

This attitude explains how people could reject further signs that would seem to be undeniable – like the rapture – if that actually happens. A person merely unconvinced of God’s existence would not miss a sign of that magnitude. A science devotee would not miss that sign. Only willful rejection of God would explain missing a sign as obvious at the rapture. I’m sorry, but if people reject God, they deserve their eternal fate for that reason alone.

I hope you have found this article enlightening, and I hope you’re considering coming to Jesus for your salvation. If you come to Jesus, you have nothing to fear from the end of days. Gas prices and inflation become truly the worst of it for you. If you continue to choose to stand alone, then your situation stands to be far, far worse.

Addendum: The Coming Convergence

I want to take a moment to applaud the makers of this documentary. This documentary is the best source on Bible Prophecy I’ve seen in many years. It’s entertaining and super informative.

According to this documentary, many Bible scholars believe that competition for energy will cause the war in the last days. I myself have believed that since the Left Behind book series was published. I took issue with the authors making the catalyst in their story food.

Keep in mind this documentary predates the Russian war in Ukraine by five years. The Bible describes Russia as the major aggressor in that conflict along with Iran, Syria, and Libya. In the past, Russia shunned ties with Islamic nations which made such an alliance seem politically infeasible. But that policy has shifted over the decades. Not long ago, Russia flew airstrikes in Syria out of air bases in Iran.

Those speaking in the documentary point out Israel’s recent (~2013 to 2016) discoveries of massive stores of natural gas. Most EU countries banned Russian oil and natural gas in response to the invasion of Ukraine. While the documentary suggests that Russia might cut off supplies of energy to Europe for political advantage, in fact, the EU has cut off supplies from Russia. The net effect remains the same, however. The current bans could be the catalyst that drives Russia to attack Israel!

Why? Because if large amounts of natural gas start flowing from Israel to Europe, Russia might act to break that supply chain.

A godless Russian bear may look upon tiny Israel as easy prey. If you’re a Christian, you know that to be a colossal mistake. This winter will, of course, will also see the worsening of food shortages and famine. This could be the time. Will there ever be another summer? Is this the last, or do we yet have more time?

Referenced Articles

(1) About Us – The Trilateral Commission


(3) Coronavirus, a Staged Crisis; and the Coming New World Order – Christian Evidence

(4) UN Sculpture Looks a Lot Like the End Times Beast Referred to in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 | CBN News

(5) Greg Gutfeld: Biden official’s ‘liberal world order’ comment is one of the biggest reveals in history (msn.com)

(6) The Coming Convergence (2017) – IMDb

(7) The Coming Convergence (2017) – IMDb

(8) FIRST ON CNN: US left behind $7 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan after 2021 withdrawal, Pentagon report says – CNNPolitics