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The Right Side of Abortion

A Full and Complete Argument

In this article, I’m going to…

  • Utterly destroy the lie of “My body, my choice.”
  • I’m going to tell you how abortion is meant to benefit the state.
  • How big corporations benefit from abortions and why they support them.
  • What role racism and eugenics plays in abortion.
  • The horrible, clinical truth about the procedures used to commit abortions.
  • What God thinks about abortion and what you’ll go through if you don’t listen.
  • How abortion harms the women that have them and their families.

A little over a week ago, the SCOTUS struck down the landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. All this means is that states can further regulate abortions if they want. But to see the left’s reaction, you’d think every woman in America was scheduled to get an abortion the 1st Tuesday of next month and was really looking forward to it! Yep, the liberal left has, thus far, handled the news with their usual grace and dignity. Here is some of that grace and dignity for your viewing pleasure:

A lot of men, even though they oppose abortion, simply refused to speak on this topic for fear of having to endure a vaginally motivated rage fit from some wild-eyed, screeching harpy in their lives. Not me. I’m not afraid. I’m going to tell them the plain and simple truth no matter how much you may suffer from them hearing it!

Abortion. Is. Evil.

It’s that simple. Abortion is evil. It’s immoral. It’s outside of God’s will for any and every woman on earth. Not one good thing has ever come from aborting a living baby, and I’ll prove that as you go through this article.

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re thinking “I’M NOT EVIL”. Well, maybe you are, and you don’t know it yet? Maybe (Hopefully) you’re a JAUI (just another useful idiot). I am mainly talking about the policy of unfettered abortion up the instance of birth as being evil. However, it takes people to back that policy, so I guess I am calling you evil. Sorry, I just call it like I see it.

A lot of good people, for one reason or another, think that the government telling a woman what she can and can’t do with her body is a bad thing. And that does sound right. I would totally agree! The problem is that the baby is only IN a woman’s body. It’s not PART of her body. If we want to declare our flesh sovereign and sacred, let’s do it! Nobody should be forced to amputate a limb, remove an organ, etc., and NOBODY should be forced to put any substance in their bodies that they don’t want – like mandatory vaccinations – UNLESS they owe those things to someone. And in this way, pregnancy is different.

You may make the argument that nobody has the right to use your body against your will, even if the thing inside you IS a living human baby. It is your body, your choice, right? Well, not so much. Using drugs is (basically) illegal. If it’s, “Your body, your choice,” I must assume that you’re against any laws banning alcohol or drugs, or even requiring prescriptions. Shouldn’t anyone you choose to be allowed to perform surgery on you? I mean if they wash their hands, of course? Suicide is technically illegal, so you must be rallying for legal suicide. And why should we be required to wear clothes at all? My body, my [fashion] choice? If you’re talking to somebody about anything other than abortion and someone walks up and says, “My body, my choice” You know immediately what they mean, right? Isn’t it funny how the slogan, “My body, my choice” never, ever applies to anything BUT abortion?

But really, the BIG problem with the whole, “My body” thing is that, in at least the massive majority of abortion cases, the woman is culpable for putting that baby in herself in the first place.  It’s not like this fetus is a little demon that crawled up her butt in the middle of the night. Oh no, it did not just spring out of thin air. She may not remember it. She was probably disappointed by it. But she HAD intercourse at some point in the last nine months, and that’s how that baby got there. This little post hookup parasite as she may think of it… SHE did this! Oh yes, she did! SHE PUT IT THERE! Leaving aside the issue of rape (she could still have been on birth control or gone to the ER right away and possibly have prevented the pregnancy) – she is RESPONSIBLE for that little person’s existence, and she OWES that baby a chance at life. Her and a man 50/50, but I’ll get to the man part of this in a minute.

Now, if I hit somebody while driving drunk, I’d be RESPONSIBLE for their situation. If they needed to use my body for nine months to stay alive, I’d feel obligated to do whatever I could. Wouldn’t you? I guess not. If you want to debate a mandatory life-saver law for drunk drivers, I don’t think that’s a bad idea at all. But then it’s fundamental to conservatism that everyone take responsibility for their own actions. It’s fundamental to liberalism that someone or something else is always to blame.

If a woman gets drunk, has unprotected sex, and ends up pregnant. The only innocent person in any of that is the baby, and to some people’s way of thinking, IT must die for their sins. That’s evil in a nutshell, folks.

The truth is, “my body, my choice” – is a catchy slogan and a provable lie. Women don’t care that a baby is going to inhabit their bodies; they care about their lives during and after the pregnancy. We know this because occasionally someone on the left accidentally tells the truth. This time that would be CNN’s Ana Navarro. Following the SCOTUS decision June 24th, she appeared speaking with other talking heads on the abortion issue when she inexplicably brought up special needs kids!?!? – her family’s special needs kids. (1) Wait, what? It’s harder to carry a kid with Down Syndrome or Autism to term than a completely healthy child? No, that’s not what she’s saying. What she’s saying is that it’s harder to RAISE a special needs kid than a fully healthy child. The thinking seems to go something like this, “Like… I don’t mind having a kid… you know… if it’s easy to keep clean and quiet and can eventually learn to care for itself. But, if the kid needs extra care, well, just choppy-chop that sucker up and yank it outta me, Doc!” Clearly, this has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with her body; it has to do with her convenience AFTER the child is born. So, it’s not “My body,” it’s my life! And that alone should trounce the whole “My body, my choice” thing, but I’m not stopping there.

Let’s move on to late term abortions. Have you ever asked a pregnant woman when her fetus is due? No, you know why? Because it’s a BABY.

There are eight states in the United States that allow abortion up to the minute of birth (21)  – Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, New York, and the District of Columbia joins them. Up to the minute of birth, a woman can decide that she doesn’t want to have this baby after all. Once she’s in the process of delivering the child, the woman’s body is out of the discussion! Her body has DONE its job! Again, there is no need for late-term abortion to be legal if women are only interested in controlling their bodies. Why could they not have controlled their bodies at any time in the nine months before this point? Medically speaking, again this is provable. In the case of a Dilation and Extraction (D&X) or Partial-birth Abortion as it is known politically, part of the baby comes out of the mother’s cervix BEFORE the fatal action occurs. (13)  That part would be the crown of the child’s head, in most cases. The baby starts the delivery alive and finishes it dead. The damage of pregnancy is not reduced whatsoever.

Now, let’s talk about the most extreme cases of “It’s my life, not my body.”

During Barak Obama’s service as an Illinois state senator, that body took up a bill that would require medical staff to save the life of a child born alive during an Induced Labor Abortion. The standard current practice is to neglect them to death. Then future President Obama voted against that legislation 4 times! This Washington Post article makes a ham-handed attempt to defend the president’s actions, but what is the defense? (19) (20) Obama defended the votes by saying the legislation could have interfered with a woman’s right to have an abortion. In other words, a woman’s right to kill her child extends BEYOND birth, entirely after her body is out of the equation.

Babies are rarely born alive in botched abortions though, right? Well… you decide. According to CDC data, it happens enough to be disconcerting.  “Babies born live after abortion attempts continue to occur, according to documents reviewed by Live Action News. Despite only a handful of states requiring these reports, Centers for Disease Control data reviewed by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that, ‘[N]ationwide, between 2003 and 2014 at least 143 babies died after being born alive during botched abortions, though the CDC also states this could be an underestimation.’” (4)  And just because it should matter, at least six of those babies born alive lived a day or more. Let’s not forget, it happens enough that the Illinois State Senate took up a bill on the matter.

You may think it can’t get much worse than that but hold on to your hat.

There has been an ongoing case for at least a decade that abortion of children a year old or more should be permissible. This Washington Post article explains a fringe group’s position that any circumstance that justifies an abortion should equally justify an “After-birth Abortion” – their term, not mine. “Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, or the well-being of the family is at risk,” While this article dates back a decade, this concept is not dead yet. In 2018, a University of Tennessee student made the argument that a 2-year-old child has no right to life because it can’t communicate. (6) It’s easy to dismiss these people as a small group of crazies, which at this time they are, but while it may seem farfetched, I’m sure partial-birth abortions seemed equally inconceivable in 1973, as well. Partial birth abortion is currently illegal in all 50 states and D.C. by federal law. However, this past week a federal bill was voted on (and failed) that would codify Roe vs. Wade, and it included legalizing partial birth abortions.

In refuting this kind of absurdity, it is difficult to know where to begin. Literally millions of children have been born into difficult circumstances and risen from them. I might even be counted among them. Some of America’s greatest people rose from humble beginnings. That’s America’s claim to fame.  What kind of arrogance justifies one human being deciding that the quality of another’s life in five, ten, twenty, or even forty years will still be so bad that he or she should never have been born at all? It was similar reasoning that helped people all over the world justify owning slaves for thousands of years. And the idea of aborting a child because it can’t communicate is beyond breathtaking. All of this is reminiscent of the infamous progressive George Bernard Shaw’s, “humane gas” philosophy. (7)  On this last point, I will spend more time a bit later.

Finally, as it was recently pointed out to me by a gaggle of hens with their hackles up on Facebook, you can’t have a pregnancy without a man. Where is the man’s responsibility in all of this?

Not once have I ever held the man blameless. But the facts of biology make a man’s escape from the situation a bit easier than a woman’s. Given that she has more to risk, most of the responsibility of preventing pregnancy has always fallen on the woman, and it probably always will regardless of whatever wishful thinking you would like to insert here. Let’s keep it real.

You may say that some of those consequences are alleviated by the right to have an abortion. Just wait until you read the section on mental and physical health below, before you say that.

Women used to understand this. They protected the cow by not giving the milk away for free. They wanted, demanded in fact, marriage as insurance that they weren’t going to be abandoned with a child to raise alone. But, long about the sexual revolution in the sixties and seventies, women burned their bras and dropped their panties and began living the sexually liberated life they saw men having. Frankly, it hasn’t worked out well for them. Don’t get me wrong. It’s just as sinful for the man, but the man has an easier escape. The institution of marriage which anthropologically speaking only ever existed for her benefit is all but gone, and women decent enough not to have an abortion have found themselves single mothers in some of those humble beginnings we talked about before.

It was a change in women’s behavior that created this problem and a change in women’s behavior can fix it. It is entirely within the purview of womankind to alter this reality. All they must do is accept the reality of their biology and demand commitment before a sexual relationship begins. If that’s too difficult, the alternative to marriage is child support, but many hens objected to me offering that as a replacement most strenuously. That’s just money, they said. What about changing diapers and late-night feedings? There’s more to caring for a baby than paying for it. Well, that is certainly true, but what does that have to do with “their bodies, their choices?” Again, those are issues with a woman’s LIFE not her BODY. Strangely, the abandonment of marriage has left many households fatherless, and the government filling the traditional role of the man as provider. I guess I wasn’t aware that Jill Biden shows up to babysit for women when they need her. I hear she’s imminently qualified for babysitting, and husband stealing. Obviously, all the govern can do is provide financial support.

All of the “My body, by choice” junk boils down to what I said at the beginning. It’s a catchy slogan, and a huge lie. In fact, even pro-abortionists don’t really believe it. Most of the same people that support abortion also support mandatory vaccination or forced masking for the pandemic.

If you get nothing else out of reading this, I want you to get that the progressives and liberals in the United States have an almost satanic skill when it comes to authoring nifty slogans that sound so very reasonable, and at the same time are so expansive as to suck millions of JAUIs into agreeing with something that they don’t even fully understand .”My body, my choice” Is not wisdom on its own. It’s a verbal MEME. It’s trite. It’s simplistic. Frankly, its childish. But when you Like that meme, you need to understand who you’re siding with. And if you’re siding with evil, you need to concede that it’s your body but maybe it shouldn’t be your choice. Maybe it should be God’s choice. If you can live your life in adherence to a four-word catch phrase, maybe you aren’t really qualified to make a choice of that gravity. I’m sorry, if you’ve made it this far and you’re still standing up to be counted with the people who support After-birth abortions, you can’t be anything other than indoctrinated and programmed by your public education so much so that you can’t think for yourself… or you really are evil.

If it’s, “My life, not my body,” what’s wrong with carrying the child to term and putting it up for adoption? The reality is that nine months of pregnancy in a life of 80 years is trivial, and the inconveniences that come during that time are relatively few and not at all hard to live with. Basically, a pregnant woman simply must not drink, not smoke, not do drugs, and use a little bit of caution in her activities. She can stay active. She doesn’t have to gain a huge amount of weight, and most of the effects of pregnancy can be reversed. Remember that we’re talking about saving a baby’s life here. How small a price to pay is that?

My father, God rest his soul, used to say when speaking about suicide, “Suicide is permanent solution to a temporary problem.” How poignant that same phrase is for abortion! A baby, once gone, cannot be brought back again. There’s no changing your mind. Having another child in the future doesn’t erase the stain of not having the child that was aborted. If you put the child up for adoption, you buy yourself the flexibility to change your mind. You could seek out that child in later life, or they could seek you out. You could become friends or closer one day. The worst-case scenario may be that you never meet, or they never want to have anything to do with you. Well, that’s true of a lot of people. Your surrendered child is, at least, still alive.

Certainly, adoption is a better option than allowing a live-born child from a botched abortion to die.

Someone will scream, “The adoption system can’t handle all the new babies that will flood into it.” The adoption system can and will adapt.

Someone else will say, “Growing up in a home for abandoned children is no life anybody would want.” Several people I know were put up for adoption. They didn’t love their young lives, but they got through them. And they became strong and wonderful people having overcome those challenges.

So, what is abortion really about? Why is it such a hot-button political issue? A lot of the passion around the issue, I believe stems from the fact that it has been hard sold to the American public. The government an organizations like Planned Parenthood have essentially advertised this product and created the demand.

Now, back to the “George Bernard Shaw’s Humane Gas” thing. It may have been presumptuous of me to say that Ana Navarro was concerned about life’s convenience with special needs kids. There’s far more insidious possible explanation that must be considered. If it’s not the mother’s convenience at stake, it could be species purity. Eugenics. In fact, a lot of the After-birth abortion arguments are eerily similar to eugenics ideals. Is this a case of doing the same thing as Hitler only with less blitzkrieg? Is abortion the left’s continuation of the WWII extermination of other races and by other means? When it comes to Hitler, everyone can spin off the quick “he killed six million jews” fact. Not everyone is aware that Hitler actually killed 14 million people including blacks, and even (then called) handicapped people. If this is the case, Ana Navarro will never tell us the truth, of course. But there is a case to be made this is so. The parallels may shock you. Let’s explore them a bit.

Who was the premier early champion of abortion rights in the United States? Margaret Sanger.

What do we know about her? The proof isn’t absolute, but its widely believed she was a racist and eugenist who supported abortion primarily as a means of population control for blacks and other undesirable races. (8)

Where are most abortion clinics located today? Near poor, black neighborhoods. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

Who supports abortion? Democrats.

Who went to war to protect their right to keep black slaves in 1861? Democrats.

Who formed the KKK? Democrats!

Who opposed civil rights legislation in the 1950s and 60s? DEMOCRATS!

There isn’t a single counterpoint to oppose the belief that convenient abortion for blacks is both intentional and anything but planned population control. In case you’re interested, IIIFFF this was a conspiracy against blacks, one would have to say it’s working. Blacks, who only make up about 13% of the US population, account for 36% of all abortions (9). That’s almost the same percentages as whites, which made up over 70% of the US population, in that same time frame.

If that makes you uncomfortable, it should. Let’s step away from that for a little while. Let’s talk about abortion LIMITS.

The fact is that in 50 years of Roe vs. Wade, what constitutes a legal abortion went a long way in the wrong direction. It went from unrestricted in the first trimester, heavily restricted in the second, and basically illegal at all in the third (the original Roe decision), to almost unrestricted up to the moment of birth. No matter what you think about a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus, what comes out of the south end of the birth canal is pretty much the same thing that went into the north minutes, hours, even days before. It’s a baby, for sure, if it is viable.

According to the American College of Pediatrics, however, a zygote is just as alive and human as you are (10):

ABSTRACT: The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization.  At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins.

While ACPeds is an openly conservative advocacy group (11), it is difficult to argue with the facts presented in their statement. Aside from the zygotic form mentioned, every word of the statement is true about any human being in any form and at any stage of life. Everyone, including you, needs the proper environment to grow and develop. I know I do.

So, why didn’t legal abortion stay where the Roe vs. Wade decision placed it, at the first trimester and very limited second trimester?

First, what is a trimester? A trimester (a non-medical term invented by 9 MEN in robes – 8 of them WHITE) is a measure of pregnancy duration that served as an acceptable way to limit abortions. The trimester measurement was based loosely on viability, which was optimistically as early as 28 weeks in 1973. This is AFTER the end of the 2nd trimester and remember that even under Roe v Wade, it was legal for states to ban abortions in the 3rd trimester and tightly restrict them in the second. But as it turns out, viability just keeps getting earlier and earlier. Today, it’s 22 weeks, and arguably moving down to 20 or even 19 weeks soon. Why didn’t the legal time to have an abortion shrink as well? In many states, it did. Hence the Missouri law that had the limit set to 15 weeks, well before current viability. However, abortion supporters weren’t about to let us restrict abortion to these earlier viability limits. Instead, we went the other direction. Viability ceased to be a consideration. Other things were tried like, heartbeat (5 weeks), brain waves (roughly 6 to 9 weeks), whether or not the fetus can feel pain (28 to 30 weeks) (23) This is highly disputed as babies seem to respond to many things such as voice or touch before this. Clearly, the liberal left grasped for anything to justify expanding, not retracting, the legal period. None of these measures work, however, because they can be true at other stages of life as well. Many adults have pacemakers that help their hearts to beat. They would die without them. Many adults’ hearts stop beating at some point in their lives, but we try very hard to resuscitate them. We don’t automatically give them up for dead. Additionally, there are many painless ways to kill a person, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t murder, unless your ole’ George. Finally, God knows that a great many leftists are bereft of brains to produce waves, but conservatives aren’t advocating their extremely late-term abortions. We’d simply prefer they didn’t vote.

Regardless of the form or stage in life, one cannot argue that if you crush a caterpillar, the butterfly that would have been, will never be. Vegans don’t eat eggs, not because the eggs have heartbeats or feel pain, but because those eggs given time and the proper environment, hatch to become chickens. As humans, many of us are, ironically, more interested in the proper treatment of animals than we are with the preservation and dignity of the lives of our own species.

Finally, as final argument for why a zygote or a fetus deserve human rights, not all doctors perform abortions. Some doctors oppose it on the grounds that it snuffs out a new life (and very obviously violates the Hippocratic Oath). This is testimony in action that they disagree with abortion. Since doctors don’t universally agree that pre-birth “products of conception” are disposable, it is incumbent upon us as living people to give the unborn the benefit of the doubt and protect their lives as we do our own.

So, if we’re human and alive from the moment of conception, what difference does it make, birth or after, when an abortion should be legally had? Why not abort people at any age? I think we’ve already covered that birth will not be late enough for some, at some point in the future. Once you can abort a five-year-old, the grandma and grandpa aren’t far behind. There’s already plenty of discussion in the world about rationing health care for the elderly. (12)  Perhaps, my next article will go in depth on this, but for now I will just say that it’s already happening in a form. Anywhere the government pays for health care services, there is someone deciding the priority of cases. It would be naive to think that the people making those decisions aren’t considering age. We know beyond a doubt that age is considered for transplant recipients. Rationing doctor’s visits or surgeries by scheduling elderly people later on some list is tantamount to rationing them away from receiving health services at all.

The victimization of people will not stop with the elderly, the unborn, or the very young, though. In fact, when you cheapen life far enough, any group that’s undesirable to society can be disposed of for any ole’ reason you like. The next group of undesirables won’t be blacks, Hispanics, or Jews, though. They will be white, Christians, and primarily male. That is the REAL GOAL! If you’re not white and or Christian, I wouldn’t get too comfortable, though. Your turn will come.

Before you write this off as a crazy conspiracy theory, remember when I mentioned eight states and DC having unrestricted abortions? There are only two other countries in the world besides the United States that offer such generous abortion rights – China and North Korea. Not many people regard China or North Korea as bastions of human rights and freedoms, so we can be pretty sure they aren’t doing it to preserve the sovereignty of the female body. These countries do have one other really important thing in common, however. They both have way too many people. Interestingly, there are several elected officials in the US that identify as socialists and have openly stated their admiration for the Chinese system – 100% of them caucus with the Democrats. They are all big supporter of abortion rights, too. (I’m going to keep pointing out these little parallels until the bell goes off in every liberal skull whose reads my stuff!)

You may be saying, like a recent meme on Facebook boldly declared, “IT DOESN’T MATTER” (which is conceding the life issue outright, if you ask me.) No matter what is true about when life begins, etc., about bodily autonomy, abortions HELP women. They are health care, and that is the end of it! Well, do they help the woman? Let’s see.

We’re going to begin by delving into the medical details of abortion, and here sourcing becomes a bit of a problem. All the sources that report the medical details are from former abortion providers who were eventually overwhelmed by the ethical horrors of their work. These were professional baby murderers who woke up to the nightmare of what they were doing and had to stop. Now, many of them speak openly against abortion now.

There exist very few gory details offered by pro-abortion sources. It’s obvious why. If women knew the details, they might think twice about having an abortion. The industry that makes it’s living off this procedure can’t stand for that.

Reading the medical descriptions of abortions, it quickly becomes clear this isn’t like having your appendix removed. It’s not nothing. Even having a potentially lethal tumor removed is typically a happy, though perhaps nervous, occasion. Still an undeniably good thing. Having a fetus removed, is something quite different. Thinking about it, some people even today say that abortion is always a tragedy or a tough decision, albeit a necessary one. Bill Clinton famously said, abortion should be “Safe, legal, and rare.” Why? Why should it be a tough decision to have an abortion, if it’s no different than an appendix or a tumor? There’s nothing tragic about losing an appendix, is there? Why would we care about it being rare? Nobody speaks about having a tumor removed in somber tones. Clumps of cells don’t typically cause grief. The moral sub conscience, or as I like to call it, the voice of God, speaks to people unfavorably about committing abortion. Unlike those other procedures, the patient (the pregnant woman, not the fetus certainly) must be braced for the shock, emotional, and physical trauma of an abortion.

Before diving into the procedures, themselves, I want to talk about the stages of development.

  1. Conception. According to flo.health, it takes 15 to 45 minutes for a sperm to reach the egg. (13) The process of capacitation, a process the sperm undergoes to prepare for fertilization, takes an estimated seven (13) to twenty-four (14) hours. As soon as the sperm enters the egg, the egg is considered fertilized and is now a zygote. However, the cells in the egg take an additional twenty-four hours to begin to divide. (15) At that point, the fertilized organism becomes an embryo with unique human DNA and is alive by any scientific measure that would be applied to any other life form.
  2. At the end of fifth week, the embryo, though it still looks rather alien, has begun to form a circulatory system and has a beating heart. Don’t be fooled by appearances! The DNA says its human. (16)
  3. Up to seven weeks, the embryo remains almost unrecognizable as a human being, but it has already formed a nose, mouth, ears, and the beginnings of limbs. Additionally, it has intestines and a functioning, though simple brain. (16) The brain is not like an adult’s brain yet to be sure, but then it won’t be fully like an adult’s brain for another 25 years. (17)
  4. The baby can move at eight weeks and clearly appears human from this point forward. (16)
  5. By the 13th week (the first trimester), the baby is essentially fully formed. It has reflexes, and if its female it has two tiny ovaries containing all the eggs she will carry through the rest of her life. (16)
  6.  Before the end of the 2nd trimester, the fetus is viable. (18) This, of course, is yet another popular delimiter for when abortions should be banned. (16) There’s no point in discussing development any further. Development will continue through birth and for several decades beyond.

So, without further ado, let’s finally get into the procedures. There are four popular abortion procedures used frequently in the United States and around the world. Let’s take a quick look at each of them.

Oral Medication

Most abortion committed in the United States occurs by taking oral medications, and it’s fair to say most of them happen early. This procedure is not performed after 49 days of gestation. Of course, many states prohibit late term abortions, so obviously most would be done before that. In this procedure, the pregnant birthing person (good grief) takes one to two doses of drugs called Mifephristone and Prostaglandin to essentially cause a miscarriage of the baby. The woman may never need to see a health care provider after that, but she has to consent to a more invasive procedure in advance in case this process fails. Essentially, the products of conception come out like menstrual blood and clots. The [National Abortion Federation] NAF encourages physicians to stress to the woman that she is, in fact, having an abortion. Further, physicians are encouraged to explain that though the conceptus is very small and is often obscured by blood clots, patients may still see a recognizable body. The NAF suggests showing women true-to-size illustrations of the ‘products of conception’ as a way of preparing them for this potential trauma.” What trauma? It’s a clump of cells, remember? Less than 5% of women expel the embryo on their own, however. (24)

Even in the best of cases, the procedure usually requires at least three visits, and the woman could potentially be walking around with a dead baby inside her for up to two weeks in extreme cases. This procedure is fatal to the baby roughly 95% of the time, but if it should fail, we move on to a Vacuum Aspiration.

Suction Curettage (a.k.a. Vacuum Aspiration, a.k.a Dilation & Currettage)

This is the most common surgical abortion procedure used around the world. Anesthesia must be used in all cases with this procedure, but physicians tend to prefer local to general. The NAF suggests, “where deep sedation or general anesthesia is not used, the patient may need preparation time to learn strategies to manage her anxiety before the procedure starts.” The procedure begins with the physician inserting a speculum into the vagina. Two additional tools are inserted into the cervix, one to dilate the uterus and the other to hold it open. Following this, an aspirator (essentially a vacuum cleaner) is inserted to suck out the embryo, ripping it to pieces in the process. The physician moves the cannula holding open the uterus around, vacuuming out all the tissue from the nooks and crannies like vacuuming out seat cushions in a 1973 Chevy Nova until no more tissue comes out. (24)  Of course, also according to the NAF, sometimes the “tissue” fits too snugly in the cannula and gets lodged. This is, of course, the calvarium – the skull. But they fix that easily enough by using ring forceps to break it up and remove it. No problem.

Taken from Warren Hern, the guy who quite literally wrote the book on abortion, once the procedure is done and a bimanual examination is complete, Hern “moves around to the side of the table and reassures the woman that ‘she is no longer pregnant.’ According to Hern, many of them cry.” This procedure results in in fatal harm to the fetus up to 99.7% of the time. (24)  z The baby is alive when this happens and technically dies at some point after being sucked out.

Dilation & Evacuation (D&E)

Now things get truly ugly. Globally, up to 15% of all abortions occur after the first trimester. Up to 1.4% of abortions occur after 20 weeks gestation in the United States and 96% of all second term abortions are committed by D&E.

“According to the NAF, the most common reasons for a second-trimester abortion include a delay in recognizing or admitting pregnancy, difficulty obtaining funds for an abortion, indecision over what to do, or changed circumstances.55 Circumstantial changes might include abandonment by their partner or the realization that they are carrying a girl instead of a boy. The NAF counsels that though ‘some abortion care providers may find it difficult to accept sex selection as a valid reason for an abortion,’ they should yield to the moral judgment of the patient who may believe that ‘aborting a female fetus is a rational act for the future good of the family.’” (24)

This procedure begins much like the D&C but requires much larger and sturdier tools. “The NAF recommends that ultrasound guidance be used ‘in cases that require a considerable degree of force to remove fetal parts.’ 64 This helps ensure that the abortionist does not accidentally grasp and tear the myometrium (uterine wall) while grasping and tearing apart the fetus.” (24)  Essentially, the physician reaches into the uterus with long-toothed clamps and tears the living fetus apart piece by piece. (25)  In this procedure, all the fetus’ body parts must be inventoried to assure that nothing is left behind. “The NAF recommends that a ‘pouch’ or surgical pan at the edge of the gable to catch fetal parts can assist in this process.” (24)

Though it is not stated in any article I reviewed, I will give abortionists the benefit of the doubt and assume this is only done under general anesthesia. I can’t imagine the horror of the patient who must lay there and listen to the parts of her baby lightly go thud into a surgical pan at her feet.

Remember back when Planned Parenthood got busted for selling body parts? Pro-lifers tried to put abortion on the chopping block (gruesome pun intended) way back then, but that was a vastly different SCOTUS. Even some pro-abortionists were forced to admit, as liberals often are forced to admit, that their lies and policies are beyond disgusting and that it was a very unseemly business. But they were still happy to throw Roe vs Wade in pro-lifers faces and say too bad. It’s the law of the land. (26) Not. Any. More.

Dilation & Extraction (D&X, a.k.a. Partial-birth abortion)

I can’t decide whether this procedure is more humane or less than the D&E. While this procedure starts very similar to a D&E, the main difference is that the fetus is murdered first by a skull puncture and then delivered whole out the birth canal. This article contains an illustrated video of the procedure if you have guts enough to watch it. To be honest, I didn’t.

Additionally, this article confirms my earlier point that abortion activists can’t tell the truth or provide details about these procedures. If they did, very few people would have them.

Well, that’s the ugly, clinical truth about abortion but, at least, once it’s done. It’s done.

Unfortunately, that’s not true either. There are deeper consequences than a couple of weeks of bleeding. Again, like the clinical details of abortion, this is not something that pro-abortion organizations will openly publish much about. In fact, they pay scientists to produce reports that say the consequences of denying a woman an abortion is much worse. I guess they’ve never seen a young mother holding her newborn son or daughter. Some sources in this section are admittedly from pro-life organizations, but as they are the ones without a profit motive to lie, I believe they are the most trustworthy in this case.

Rare (and sociopathic) is the woman who goes and parties the day after her abortion, though many celebrities publicly, at least, talk about what a good decision they made in terms of being able to live their lives after murdering their unborn children. The cafemom.com article, 24 Celebrities Who’ve Spoken Out About Their Abortions lets everyone know how Hollywood feels about abortions. You know, divorce, drug abuse, alcoholism, rape, exploitation, Hollyweird? This article shares with us an interesting statistical block of people from which we can extract data. Of the twenty-four women mentioned: one never says she personally had an abortion; eight cases ended with the patient generally happy with the decision; four additional cases indicated they had no regrets; in eleven cases the woman said it was either a horrible experience or a difficult decision, but many of them blamed their horrible experiences on stigma. In every case where a reason was given, seven cases to be exact, the reason was never concern for the use of their body. Rather, it was always how having a baby would affect their lives; four of the abortions were medically justifiable in my opinion; one person reported being raped; one person reported giving themselves an abortion; and one person reported they had two abortions. I have neither the time nor the inclination to look up articles on each of these individuals, but I know one for sure has spent time in rehab. It’s a safe bet, that most of them are or were drug abusers at some point in their lives with long strings of failed relationships. Interestingly, they all defend a woman’s right to choose despite their personal experiences. (29)

So, is Hollywood aborting itself into a lifetime of drug dependence and relationship problems? I don’t think we can say for sure. But we can say definitively that abortion and alcohol and drug abuse correlate. One study carried out by the Elliot Institute found that, “After excluding women who engaged in substance abuse prior to their first pregnancy, Elliot Institute researchers found that of the women surveyed, those who aborted their first pregnancy were 3.9 times more likely to engage in subsequent drug or alcohol abuse than those who have never had an abortion.” (32) I won’t exclude the possibility that this is correlation but not causation, but the idea of causation seems corroborated by other studies.

The bulk of evidence suggests strongly that abortion results in mental health issues for the patient. One study reviewed found that, “(a) abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion; (b) the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.” (28) Another study found that “The results revealed that at least one-third of the respondents have experienced psychological side effects. Depression, worrying about not being able to conceive again and abnormal eating behaviors were reported as dominant psychological consequences of abortion among the respondents. Decreased self-esteem, nightmare, guilt, and regret” (30) How long did these psychological side effects persist? What were the physical health consequences of them? My research didn’t go deep enough to know, but it isn’t hard to imagine that some women, at least, experience both mental and physical side effects far beyond the 18 years and 9 months it would have taken to simply rear the child.

In another article titled, Major Psychological Effects Associated with Abortion, a study of 56,741 California Medicaid patients revealed that women who had abortions were 160% more likely than delivering women to be HOSPITALIZED for psychiatric treatment in the first 90 days after their abortion or delivery, and rates of psychiatric problems remain statistically significantly higher for at least four years following the procedure. (31) The same study goes on to say:

“While psychological reactions to abortion fall into many categories, some women experience all or some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  The lowest incidence rate of PTSD reported following abortion is 1.5%, which would translate to over 600,000 cases of abortion induced PTSD.2 Another study found that 14% of American women have all the symptoms of PTSD and attribute them to their abortions, with as many as 65% reporting some, but not all symptoms of PTSD.3” (31)

It seems killing your unborn baby can lead to lifetime of problems.

More interestingly is the question of how often does suicide follow having an abortion? According to one article that cites a study done in Finland, women who have abortions are 6 to 7 times more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth. (35) It stands to reason, if a woman thinks her fetus’ life is expendable, might she not think little of her own? How tragic that two lives were lost when it could have been none.

Oh, I’m still not done. Not yet.

In an article published by Human Life International titled, How Abortion Affects a Woman’s Relationships, we learn a great many harsh truths. Among them, many women feel pressured into abortion, or fear not having an abortion will damage her relationships. In fact, having an abortion leads to “vastly worse experiences and interactions with their partner than before the abortion.” Experiences including, higher risk of conflicts over money, twice as likely to conflict with partner’s relatives, increased sexual dysfunction including 112% increase in inability to climax, 182% increase in reports of pain during intercourse. Additionally, the problems don’t end with a breakup. You’ve heard of baggage, no doubt. While this is a pro-life organization, the numbers provided were taken from a study published in the National Library of Medicine, which has a .gov domain name. (33)

The extremely sorry reality appears to be that, for at least some women, having an abortion has more severe and longer lasting consequences than simply having the baby would have. Carrying the child, giving birth, and raising the baby brings a wonderful new life into the world. Certainly, this can be a source of stress on the parents or other relatives. The child may grow up in hardship or may not grow up at all. But the odds are in the favor of the child having not only a life, but a happy one. Abortion on the other hand, takes the life of a child, often destroys the patient’s life, and brings ruin (in extreme cases) and darkness in others to the lives of literally every person around the abortion. THIS is the ultimate proof that no good ever comes from abortion.

You’ve made a lot of good points, mister Blogger, but abortion is so popular! It is, no doubt, true that a narrow majority of Americans support a woman’s right to choose.  That is well reflected in the corporate response to the overturning Roe vs. Wade. Or maybe corporations just like money.

Already we have big corporations infected with woke-yphilis coming out screaming, “Hey we’ll pay for your travel if you want an abortion.” Gee thanks, big corporations. I’m sure that will make the socialist left rethink their unmitigated hatred of you. Anyone can see right through this; this is all motived by profit. I don’t personally have a problem with profit, but most leftists certainly do!

A lot of those woke pro-abortion temples to capitalism offer insurance. Some of them are SELF insured too. I’m guessing a bus ride or at worst a round trip plane ticket…plus the cost of the abortion…maybe a missed day or two of work… well, that’s not too expensive. Now, if our birthing employees DON’T get an abortion, there’s prenatal care; then there’s at least a month of maternity leave; then there’s paying for the delivery; new medications, probably.  Then over the next eighteen or so years there’s, a new snotty nose on the company’s insurance plan, momma’s going to miss some work staying home to take care of the little tax deduction. Then, what if my great birthing person employee decides to put her FAMILY in front of her CAREER?!?!? OH NO!!!… ABORTIONS, EVERYBODY!!! GET YOUR FREE ABORTIONS!!! GET YOUR ABORTIONS HERE! Supporting abortion makes a lot of financial sense for these big companies, doesn’t it?

But in all seriousness, corporate America is rushing to provide a $4,000 abortion benefit to anyone that gets an abortion. What woman wouldn’t get pregnant (and have an abortion) at least a couple of times a year for that price, right? (34)

My final thoughts. Why is there nothing but constant lying about the reasons pro-abortionist support abortion? Obfuscation about the procedures? No discussion about the potential life-long consequences? And false narratives spread about why both governments and big corporations support abortion? It’s because abortion is 100% the invention of the father of lies, Lucifer himself.

Abortion and any relationship with God are 100% incompatible. No one ever has prayed about this and heard God’s voice tell them, “Yeah, why don’t you go have your unborn baby sucked into a blender! We can know this for certain because God does not contradict himself, ever. (Contrary to what you have been told, the Holy Bible contains no contradictions at all. Just the occasional different circumstances.) God gave the law to the Israelites quite clearly.

“Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek.’” (36)  One might say, we’re not sacrificing to Molek. As I said before, maybe you are, and you don’t know it. If not to Molek, you’re sacrificing your baby to yourself.

Clearly God believes the price for taking the life of a child should be very high.

It is that fact more than anything else that makes abortion such an unacceptable thing to allow in our country.

God’s word also says in Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Search your deepest thoughts, your heart, and your soul. Can you, by any stretch of the imagination, find agreement between the author of those words and a medical professional literally ripping limbs from the baby’s body in the womb? Then selling them?!?!? As one article I read suggested, if I did that to a dog everybody would be screaming for my execution! And rightly, so. But a human child just because it hasn’t passed fully out of the vagina is fair game?

There’s simply no further argument. Abortion. Is. EVIL! And you are evil with it, if you have this knowledge but choose to support it anyway.

In this article, you learned…

  • “My body, my choice” is an advertising slogan sold as wisdom that is a complete lie.
  • You learned that the state wants abortion legal for population control.
  • You learned big corporations will fund abortions because it’s better for their bottom lines.
  • You learned that the founders of abortion shares many values with Hitler.
  • You learned the despicable truth about how abortions are performed.
  • You learned the will of God when it comes to abortion, and the terrible price people pay for defiance.
  • You learned that a life ruined by an abortion is likely ruined longer and much worse than a life raising a young child.

How does opposition to abortion square with other conservative positions?

You don’t want to feed it, cloth it, or provide it healthcare!

No, I don’t. For that matter, whomever you are reading this, I don’t want to provide YOU those things, either. That doesn’t make it okay to murder you, though. I want you and the unborn baby to live fulfilling lives. I don’t believe that’s possible without growing up and achieving things for yourself.

You don’t support gun control! You want children shot in school!

No, I don’t support gun control, because I can reason, and I know from personal experience that guns save more lives than they cost. I will write extensively on this issue on this blog. I want increased police and security all over society, or to arm teachers and private citizens to the greatest extent possible. I know from personal experience that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. It’s inconsistent, if you ask me, for a liberal to care about the lives of a class full of kindergartens when they stand on the side of those who would be fine aborting them even at that age!

You support the death penalty!

Yes, I do. I see a stark difference between a criminal convicted of a capital crime, and who has received exhaustive due process, and the most blameless a human being can get. I suppose we could put unborn babies on trial, but I’m pretty sure they will always be found innocent.

So much for personal liberty, huh?

There is no liberty to harm anyone except in self-defense. No one can be deprived of life or property without due process. Your rights end at the skin of anyone else, whether that skin is inside of you or outside of you is irrelevant.

What about illegal immigration?

I have no idea what that has to do with abortion, but this was actually part of a reply to me in the comments section of a Facebook post this past week. The commenter was talking about 25 people found dead in the back of a semi-truck. Well, we have a Democrat president, a Democrat house, a Democrat senate… and Democrat border policies in place right now. But who is at fault for those people’s deaths? Republicans, apparently. I can’t begin to fathom why, but that was the apparent thinking. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well, for sure.

 I know this about the deaths on the border. I know if the borders were closed and tightly controlled those people would never have gotten in that truck, in the first place. They would still be alive.

Referenced Articles

(1) S.E. Cupp Confronts Ana Navarro Over Autism and Abortion (mediaite.com)

(2) When Human Life Begins | American College of Pediatricians (acpeds.org)

(3) American College of Pediatricians – Wikipedia

(4) CDC data proves babies still being born alive during abortions (liveaction.org)

(5) ‘After-birth abortion’: Can they be serious? – The Washington Post

(6) Pro-abortion college student argues for infanticide of 2-year-olds – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

(7) George Bernard Shaw and “the Humane Gas” – YouTube

(8) Margaret Sanger was a racist eugenics advocate who shouldn’t be honored (usatoday.com)

(9) CDC: 36% of Abortions Abort Black Babies | CNSNews(3)

(10) The Case Against Abortion: Abortion Procedures (abort73.com)

(11) American College of Pediatricians – Wikipedia

(12) Aged-Based Health Care Rationing – Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (scu.edu)

(13) Here’s how long it takes sperm to reach the egg after sex (flo.health)

(14) Capacitation – Male Contraceptive Initiative

(15)What Exactly Happens When Sperm Meets Egg? : Human N Health

(16) Your baby in the womb: Development of the fetus by week | BabyCenter

(17) Fetal Brain Development Stages: When Does a Fetus Develop a Brain? (flo.health)

(18) Setting the record straight on measuring fetal age and the ’20-week abortion’ – The Washington Post

(19) Did Obama deny rights to infants who survive abortion? – The Washington Post

(20) Obama: Born Babies Who Survive Abortions Are Not Persons With Equal Rights | CNSNews

(21) These 8 States Allow Abortion Up To The Moment Of Birth | The Daily Wire

(22) Fetal Viability, Explained | wthr.com

(23) WHEN DOES A FETUS FEEL PAIN? : Neurology Today (lww.com)

(24) The Case Against Abortion: Abortion Procedures (abort73.com)

(25) Abortion Methods: The Gruesome Reality of How Babies Are Killed in Abortion – LifeNews.com

(26) SHOCK VIDEO: Planned Parenthood sells dead baby body parts | Fox News

(27) WATCH: Here’s What A Late-Term Abortion Procedure Actually Looks Like. It’s Horrifying. | The Daily Wire

(28) The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature review of common ground agreements, disagreements, actionable recommendations, and research opportunities – PMC (nih.gov)

(29) 24 Celebrities Who’ve Spoken Out About Their Abortions | CafeMom.com

(30) Psychological Consequences of Abortion among the Post Abortion Care Seeking Women in Tehran – PMC (nih.gov)

(31) Major Psychological Effects Associated With Abortion – Physicians for Life

(32) New Study Confirms Link Between Abortion and Substance Abuse • AfterAbortion.org

(33) Relationship after Abortion: Will Abortion Help? (hli.org)

(34) These Are The U.S. Companies Offering Abortion-Related Benefits (forbes.com)

(35) Abortion and Suicide: Is There a Connection? | by Sarah Terzo | The Secular Seamless Garment | Medium (36) What does the Bible say about child sacrifice? | GotQuestions.org